Development Environment

The development environment requires some extra packages to support documentation. nsaphx package can be installed in any environment with Python 3.7 or higher. Please download the package from the nsaphx Github repository. Anaconda virtual environment is highly recommended. Please make sure that you have anaconda installed on your system. You can also install miniconda, which is the lightweight version of anaconda.

Setting up a new environment

If you have not set up nsaphx development environment, you can use the following command to create a new environment and install dependencies.

$ conda env create --name your_env_name --file environment_dev.yml

Updating an existing environment

If you want to make sure that the environment is the latest version, you can update the environment using the following command:

$ conda env update --name your_env_name --file environment_dev.yml

Installing nsaphx

Navigate into the package folder and run the following command:

$ pip3 install -e .

-e flag installs the package in the development mode. As a result, you do not need to reintall the package by chaning the code.

Registering the kernel

If you plan on testing the package using Jupyter Notebook, you need to register the package using the following command:

$ python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name your_env_name

You can remove the kernle from registered kernel list using:

$ jupyter kernelspec remove 'your_env_name'

Use the following command to completely remove a conda env from your system:

$ conda env remove -n your_env_name

Updating the environment recipe

If you added a new feature to the package that is unavailable in the current environment, you need to update the environment recipe, while environment is activated, using the following command:

$ conda env export > environment_dev.yml

Make sure to manually remove name and prefix sections as well as nsaphx from the dependencies section in the .yml file.