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Generates pseudo population data set based on user-defined causal inference approach. The function uses an adaptive approach to satisfies covariate balance requirements. The function terminates either by satisfying covariate balance or completing the requested number of iteration, whichever comes first.


  gps_density = "normal",
  use_cov_transform = FALSE,
  transformers = list("pow2", "pow3"),
  bin_seq = NULL,
  exposure_trim_qtls = c(0.01, 0.99),
  gps_trim_qtls = c(0, 1),
  params = list(),
  sl_lib = c("m_xgboost"),
  nthread = 1,
  include_original_data = FALSE,
  gps_obj = NULL,



A data.frame comprised of two columns: one contains the observed exposure variable, and the other is labeled as 'id'. The column for the outcome variable can be assigned any name as per your requirements.


A data.frame of includes observed covariate variables. It should also consist of a column named 'id'.


The causal inference approach. Possible values are:

  • "matching": Matching by GPS

  • "weighting": Weighting by GPS


Model type which is used for estimating GPS value, including normal (default) and kernel.


If TRUE, the function uses transformer to meet the covariate balance.


A list of transformers. Each transformer should be a unary function. You can pass name of customized function in the quotes. Available transformers:

  • pow2: to the power of 2

  • pow3: to the power of 3


Sequence of w (treatment) to generate pseudo population. If NULL is passed the default value will be used, which is seq(min(w)+delta_n/2,max(w), by=delta_n).


A numerical vector of two. Represents the trim quantile level for exposure values. Both numbers should be in the range of [0,1] and in increasing order (default: c(0.01, 0.99)).


A numerical vector of two. Represents the trim quantile level for the gps values. Both numbers should be in the range of [0,1] and in increasing order (default: c(0.0, 1.0)).


Includes list of params that is used internally. Unrelated parameters will be ignored.


A vector of prediction algorithms.


An integer value that represents the number of threads to be used by internal packages.


If TRUE, includes the original data in the outcome.


A gps object that is generated with estimate_gps function. If it is provided, the number of iteration will forced to 1 (Default: NULL).


Additional arguments passed to different models.


Returns a pseudo population (gpsm_pspop) object that is generated or augmented based on the selected causal inference approach (ci_appr). The object includes the following objects:

  • params

    • ci_appr

    • params

  • pseudo_pop

  • adjusted_corr_results

  • original_corr_results

  • best_gps_used_params

  • effect size of generated pseudo population


Additional parameters

Causal Inference Approach (ci_appr)

  • if ci_appr = 'matching':

    • dist_measure: Matching function. Available options:

      • l1: Manhattan distance matching

    • delta_n: caliper parameter.

    • scale: a specified scale parameter to control the relative weight that is attributed to the distance measures of the exposure versus the GPS.

    • covar_bl_method: covariate balance method. Available options:

      • 'absolute'

    • covar_bl_trs: covariate balance threshold

    • covar_bl_trs_type: covariate balance type (mean, median, maximal)

    • max_attempt: maximum number of attempt to satisfy covariate balance.

    • See create_matching() for more details about the parameters and default values.

  • if ci_appr = 'weighting':

    • covar_bl_method: Covariate balance method.

    • covar_bl_trs: Covariate balance threshold

    • max_attempt: Maximum number of attempt to satisfy covariate balance.


# \donttest{
m_d <- generate_syn_data(sample_size = 100)
pseuoo_pop <- generate_pseudo_pop(m_d[, c("id", "w")],
                                  m_d[, c("id", "cf1","cf2","cf3","cf4","cf5","cf6")],
                                  ci_appr = "matching",
                                  gps_density = "normal",
                                  bin_seq = NULL,
                                  expos_trim_qlts = c(0.01,0.99),
                                  gps_trim_qlts = c(0.01,0.99),
                                  use_cov_transform = FALSE,
                                  transformers = list(),
                                  params = list(xgb_nrounds=c(10,20,30),
                                  sl_lib = c("m_xgboost"),
                                  nthread = 1,
                                  covar_bl_method = "absolute",
                                  covar_bl_trs = 0.1,
                                  covar_bl_trs_type= "mean",
                                  max_attempt = 1,
                                  dist_measure = "l1",
                                  delta_n = 1,
                                  scale = 0.5)
#> mean absolute correlation: 0.187874919634512| Covariate balance threshold: 0.1
#> mean absolute correlation: 0.259346434375271| Covariate balance threshold: 0.1
#> Covariate balance condition has not been met.
#> Best mean absolute correlation: 0.259346434375271| Covariate balance threshold: 0.1
# }